The End is Near

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

New Podcasts

  • One More Try
    If at first you don’t succeed…. I am just playing around to see how this works out on the blog page and the home page. If it works out, I can start to rough in a final treatment for multiple creators sharing a single podcast infrastructure. This is not the actual audio, since I have to upload it to the server and it wouldn’t make sense to go to too much trouble while testing…. but if it were the real… Read more: One More Try
  • Satan – Just a test
    Testing the podcast setup in here with an image of a chart about Satan and a selection of unrelated media files. I decided to add a chart about Satan, “The God of This Age”, to the podcast even though it is a face cast. I want to get a broader understanding of the platform, and seeing how my references to Satan and the imagery are treated downstream will help me unpack it all faster. Satan, also known as the Devil,… Read more: Satan – Just a test
Cosmic Conversations
Cosmic Conversations
The Bear's Shuffling Crew

Conversations about things that matter… On a cosmic scale.